Who We Are
You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give.It is my belief, as I experienced it myself, that music can bring a new ‘light’ and ‘color’ in the lives of blind and visually impaired. Music can bring joy and inner happiness, replacing some of the darkness those of us without sight experience.
I am very proud to say that our Foundation is very unique. We are bringing a service and a benefit to the blind that is unlike any other effort in the US! Through our music training for the blind, we are enriching their lives in a way that no other organization has ever done before, and that makes me extremely proud.
This work couldn’t be done without the help of caring and expert music instructors who bring great knowledge, patience and enthusiasm to every student they teach. I also have a group of caring friends who form my advisory board who volunteer their time to take on all the tasks and challenges of making my dream come true by helping me run this Foundation. You can read more about them below. And of course this Foundation and what we do could not be possible without the generous support and donations from you, our giving and kind supporters. And I thank you from the bottom of my heart!
With such a wonderful group of caring individuals, I have the greatest hope for continuous growth and success of this Foundation. Until the day that science and medicine provide cure or alternative means to help us see, I am committed to bringing light and enlightenment to my fellow visually challenged friends through the magic of music and the joy it brings.
The founder, Saeed Deihimi was diagnosed with Retinitis Pigmentosa (a degenerative disease that ultimately leads to blindness), at a young age. This unfortunately came on the heels of his older brother, Hamid, having been diagnosed with the same affliction, a few years earlier. Call it a wise, considerate and loving mother’s instinct, from a young age, they were enrolled in music classes, under the tutelage of the great Iranian pianist and composer, Anoushiravan Rohani.
Within a few years, the brothers turned their talents and newfound skills to teaching while progressing along this musical journey. This translated to giving music instruction to others in the basement of their home. That is where it all started, 40 years ago.
Pouria Abbassi
Advisory Board

A registered mechanical engineer and a graduate of UCLA school of engineering and Anderson School Executive Management program, Pouria has published several scientific papers and is recipient of over 30 businesses and performance awards. In addition to Beyond Vision Music Foundation, Pouria sits on the boards of the Los Angeles Business Council, Providence Tarzana Hospital Foundation, Woodbury University, PAAIA, Norooz Celebration Foundation, and works with various other community and cultural organizations.
Shala Maghen
Advisory Board

Sina Rezvanpour
Advisory Board

Kourosh Sigarchi
Advisory Board

Kourosh has received his B.Sc and M.Sc in Electrical Engineering from Sharif University of technology. Kourosh earned his Ph.D degree in Electrical Engineering from West Virginia University in May 2004.
Fereidoon Khosravi
Advisory Board

Through his daughter’s love of Piano and attending World of Music classes, Fereidoon became familiar with Mr. Deihimi’s Beyond Vision Music Foundation and his noble effort in providing music learning to blind and visually impaired and opening up their world. Fereidoon is putting his technical and business experience to use in helping further introduce and promote the Foundation’s goals to the masses.
Ms. Shahrzad Ardalan
Advisory Board

Mr. Navid Nazar
Advisory Board