The Javanan Magazine issue number 1623, published on 7/20/2018, had a cover story about Saeed and Hamid Deihimi. You can find the original article at, and read the translation below.
A friendly and intimate meeting between Hamid & Saeed Deihimi, two well-known Iranian musician bothers and Andrea Bocelli, the international superstar opera singer
When we found out that Hamid & Saeed Deihimi, have met with Andrea Bocelli after his concert at Hollywood Bowl on June 20th, it was a great reason to meet and talk with these great musicians and find out how their meeting went.
Saeed Deihimi: “From the time that we started the Beyond Vision Music Foundation non-profit organization to help the blind and visually impaired by teaching them music for free, we were always thinking about a way we could get in touch with Andrea Bocelli who is an internationally known blind opera singer and is intimately familiar with music and a master at his art.”
“In January 2018, when I was teaching at ‘Deihimi Music’, I received a phone call that will forever stay with me! Ms. Simin Hashemizadeh, with her warm and caring voice, invited me and my brother Hamid to come to Andrea Bocelli’s concert in Hollywood Bowl on June 20th and meet with him. That was a great opportunity for me to introduce Beyond Vision Music Foundation to Andrea and let him know about our efforts to teach music to blind and visually impaired.”
“From the day of my call with Ms. Hashemizadeh, I was determined to look for a professional and unique way of introducing the Persian music to Andrea in the Braille language. With the help of our great friend and singer Ms. Pari Zanganeh, we were able to gather a collection of Iranian songs that were available in Braille in Iran. We turned this into a booklet and approached our friend, Mr. Bahman Bennett at ‘Gallery Eshgh’ in Westwood to turn it into a special gift. Mr. Bennett suggested that we present this book of notes to Andrea Bocelli in a unique decorated box. With his exquisite taste and talent, Mr. Bennett created an amazing box decorated with a Persian poem, beautifully written with raised characters. We are forever indebted to him.”
“From the day of my call with Ms. Hashemizadeh, I was determined to look for a professional and unique way of introducing the Persian music to Andrea in the Braille language. With the help of our great friend and singer Ms. Pari Zanganeh, we were able to gather a collection of Iranian songs that were available in Braille in Iran. We turned this into a booklet and approached our friend, Mr. Bahman Bennett at ‘Gallery Eshgh’ in Westwood to turn it into a special gift. Mr. Bennett suggested that we present this book of notes to Andrea Bocelli in a unique decorated box. With his exquisite taste and talent, Mr. Bennett created an amazing box decorated with a Persian poem, beautifully written with raised characters. We are forever indebted to him.”
Hamid Deihimi: “From the time that I heard about this opportunity to meet with Andrea Bocelli, I was so proud that with all the challenges and struggles we faced due to our blindness, Saeed and I never let this darkness impede our progress.”
“On June 20th, 2018, with the kind invite from Ms. Simin Hashemizadeh, Saeed and I, along with our wives, attended Andrea Bocelli’s amazing concert in Hollywood Bowl and had the chance to meet with him back stage after the concert. With the background information he had received about us in advance, Andrea and his wife, Veronica, received us warmly and we had a wonderful meeting with them. Once we gave him our special gift box, he immediately opened it and took out the booklet and started reading the Persian Braille music notes. You could sense the joy and satisfaction in him. It was a gratifying moment for us to know that we were able to introduce and share our Iranian Music with this iconic symbol of music and Opera in such a memorable way.”
“That was an unforgettable evening to not only meet such an influential and historical figure in Opera, but to have the opportunity to introduce our music to him.”
We asked these two talented brothers, if they had any messages or requests from our Javanan readers and those with love of the music.
Saeed & Hamid Deihimi: “Our only request from our fellow Iranians and friends is to support our efforts in Beyond Vision Music Foundation, so that we can continue to provide free music lessons to blind and visually impaired students, and so that with the use of music, we can shine a light in their darkness.”
We are very happy and proud that these two extra ordinary brother musicians have overcome all challenges over the years to establish and run this worthwhile organization to help other blind and visually impaired students.
Saeed Deihimi continues his efforts in Los Angeles and the Valley, while Hamid Deihimi does his teachings in the Orange County.
To help them in this worthwhile effort, please visit and support them with your tax deductable donations.
You can also contact them at the following numbers:
Los Angeles310-289-8283